[ 25 října, 2018 by admin 0 Comments ]

Indie Festival

Warm & Powerful Design Inside

Always the question! Make sure to check out the schedule (especially the FullSTK stage as that is full of technical content) and have a plan for your time. I might be biased, since I’ve hosted and spoken on FullSTK over the past few years. Make sure to take breaks, though. Expo can be busy, with a fast pace. Look for places in the schedule where you can walk away and focus on chatting to folks, just to review ideas.

One of the best talks I’ve seen was at Expo in 2018. It was a talk by Curt Cronin about teams and leadership. Based on his experience as a Navy Seal, he discussed how teams of developers (and the greater tech space) can function better when focusing on trust and communication. There are always plenty of great talks – I focus mostly on FullSTK and binate.io as a developer, with the occasional nod to a Centre Stage talk from leaders in the industry. That said, nothing compares to being involved. I try to engage with as many people as possible to see where things are leading and where the focus is. There are some conversations that become more “what not to do”, but overall, engaging with people is where I learn most.

Experienced Speakers

Hear 9 inspiring talks, meet the best product people in Europe, and party together after the event!

Advanced Startups

Add skills to your your product toolkits with one of our specialised workshops.

5 Incredible Venues

Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price – included!
Captivate Visitors, Wherever They Are

Donating to a charity or sponsoring a child is an emotional decision – one that could happen anywhere, anytime. The mobile experience for BPTheme needed to maintain the vibrant energy of the desktop experience while functioning to capture donations quickly and effortlessly. We designed a visually appealing, yet highly functional format to finding a child to sponsor.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

[ 25 října, 2018 by admin 0 Comments ]

Deep House

Warm & Powerful Design Inside

Always the question! Make sure to check out the schedule (especially the FullSTK stage as that is full of technical content) and have a plan for your time. I might be biased, since I’ve hosted and spoken on FullSTK over the past few years. Make sure to take breaks, though. Expo can be busy, with a fast pace. Look for places in the schedule where you can walk away and focus on chatting to folks, just to review ideas.

One of the best talks I’ve seen was at Expo in 2018. It was a talk by Curt Cronin about teams and leadership. Based on his experience as a Navy Seal, he discussed how teams of developers (and the greater tech space) can function better when focusing on trust and communication. There are always plenty of great talks – I focus mostly on FullSTK and binate.io as a developer, with the occasional nod to a Centre Stage talk from leaders in the industry. That said, nothing compares to being involved. I try to engage with as many people as possible to see where things are leading and where the focus is. There are some conversations that become more “what not to do”, but overall, engaging with people is where I learn most.

Experienced Speakers

Hear 9 inspiring talks, meet the best product people in Europe, and party together after the event!

Advanced Startups

Add skills to your your product toolkits with one of our specialised workshops.

5 Incredible Venues

Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price – included!
Captivate Visitors, Wherever They Are

Donating to a charity or sponsoring a child is an emotional decision – one that could happen anywhere, anytime. The mobile experience for BPTheme needed to maintain the vibrant energy of the desktop experience while functioning to capture donations quickly and effortlessly. We designed a visually appealing, yet highly functional format to finding a child to sponsor.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

[ 25 října, 2018 by admin 0 Comments ]


Warm & Powerful Design Inside

Always the question! Make sure to check out the schedule (especially the FullSTK stage as that is full of technical content) and have a plan for your time. I might be biased, since I’ve hosted and spoken on FullSTK over the past few years. Make sure to take breaks, though. Expo can be busy, with a fast pace. Look for places in the schedule where you can walk away and focus on chatting to folks, just to review ideas.

One of the best talks I’ve seen was at Expo in 2018. It was a talk by Curt Cronin about teams and leadership. Based on his experience as a Navy Seal, he discussed how teams of developers (and the greater tech space) can function better when focusing on trust and communication. There are always plenty of great talks – I focus mostly on FullSTK and binate.io as a developer, with the occasional nod to a Centre Stage talk from leaders in the industry. That said, nothing compares to being involved. I try to engage with as many people as possible to see where things are leading and where the focus is. There are some conversations that become more “what not to do”, but overall, engaging with people is where I learn most.

Experienced Speakers

Hear 9 inspiring talks, meet the best product people in Europe, and party together after the event!

Advanced Startups

Add skills to your your product toolkits with one of our specialised workshops.

5 Incredible Venues

Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price – included!
Captivate Visitors, Wherever They Are

Donating to a charity or sponsoring a child is an emotional decision – one that could happen anywhere, anytime. The mobile experience for BPTheme needed to maintain the vibrant energy of the desktop experience while functioning to capture donations quickly and effortlessly. We designed a visually appealing, yet highly functional format to finding a child to sponsor.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

[ 25 října, 2018 by admin 0 Comments ]


Warm & Powerful Design Inside

Always the question! Make sure to check out the schedule (especially the FullSTK stage as that is full of technical content) and have a plan for your time. I might be biased, since I’ve hosted and spoken on FullSTK over the past few years. Make sure to take breaks, though. Expo can be busy, with a fast pace. Look for places in the schedule where you can walk away and focus on chatting to folks, just to review ideas.

One of the best talks I’ve seen was at Expo in 2018. It was a talk by Curt Cronin about teams and leadership. Based on his experience as a Navy Seal, he discussed how teams of developers (and the greater tech space) can function better when focusing on trust and communication. There are always plenty of great talks – I focus mostly on FullSTK and binate.io as a developer, with the occasional nod to a Centre Stage talk from leaders in the industry. That said, nothing compares to being involved. I try to engage with as many people as possible to see where things are leading and where the focus is. There are some conversations that become more “what not to do”, but overall, engaging with people is where I learn most.

Experienced Speakers

Hear 9 inspiring talks, meet the best product people in Europe, and party together after the event!

Advanced Startups

Add skills to your your product toolkits with one of our specialised workshops.

5 Incredible Venues

Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price – included!
Captivate Visitors, Wherever They Are

Donating to a charity or sponsoring a child is an emotional decision – one that could happen anywhere, anytime. The mobile experience for BPTheme needed to maintain the vibrant energy of the desktop experience while functioning to capture donations quickly and effortlessly. We designed a visually appealing, yet highly functional format to finding a child to sponsor.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

[ 25 října, 2018 by admin 0 Comments ]

Classic rock

Warm & Powerful Design Inside

Always the question! Make sure to check out the schedule (especially the FullSTK stage as that is full of technical content) and have a plan for your time. I might be biased, since I’ve hosted and spoken on FullSTK over the past few years. Make sure to take breaks, though. Expo can be busy, with a fast pace. Look for places in the schedule where you can walk away and focus on chatting to folks, just to review ideas.

One of the best talks I’ve seen was at Expo in 2018. It was a talk by Curt Cronin about teams and leadership. Based on his experience as a Navy Seal, he discussed how teams of developers (and the greater tech space) can function better when focusing on trust and communication. There are always plenty of great talks – I focus mostly on FullSTK and binate.io as a developer, with the occasional nod to a Centre Stage talk from leaders in the industry. That said, nothing compares to being involved. I try to engage with as many people as possible to see where things are leading and where the focus is. There are some conversations that become more “what not to do”, but overall, engaging with people is where I learn most.

Experienced Speakers

Hear 9 inspiring talks, meet the best product people in Europe, and party together after the event!

Advanced Startups

Add skills to your your product toolkits with one of our specialised workshops.

5 Incredible Venues

Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price – included!
Captivate Visitors, Wherever They Are

Donating to a charity or sponsoring a child is an emotional decision – one that could happen anywhere, anytime. The mobile experience for BPTheme needed to maintain the vibrant energy of the desktop experience while functioning to capture donations quickly and effortlessly. We designed a visually appealing, yet highly functional format to finding a child to sponsor.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

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